
Trump, US, Asia, China, India, TPP Americas Articles Politics & Governance

Interpreting Asian Pivot during Trump’s Administration

The region stretching from the Indian subcontinent to the American west coast has been in the news for quite some time now owing to the interests of its major players…

Machiavelli, Sino, America, War, US, China, Defence, OBOR, Nuclear Americas Articles Politics & Governance

What Machiavelli and Friends Would Say About Sino American War?

To forecast the Great War, amid the United States and China, I have invited some old friends from a very great distance. Greetings! ‘Chanakya, Machiavelli, Thucydides, John Thibaut, Woodrow Wilson…

Americas Articles Defense & Security

The Economics of Arms Control

Arms Control refers to the limitation placed on production, stockpiling and proliferation of weapons. The term has largely become synonymous to nuclear weapons’ restriction from the times of Cold War. The…

Americas Articles Asia Europe Middle East & North Africa Publications Region Themes Trade & Economics

War Economy: A Positive Economic Shock

Warfare requires a lot of monetary expenditure, it has a direct relationship with money, and brings about positive trends in the economic graphs. Military spending in various sectors leads to…

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